October–December 2021*
- Gross written premiums increased 13 per cent to KSEK 281,012 (247,702)
- Premiums earned, net of reinsurance increased 12 per cent to KSEK 258,486 (231,553)
- Technical result declined 22 per cent to KSEK 27,731 (35,714). Technical result excl. non-recurring costs of KSEK 8,500 related to the separate listing process increased 1 per cent
- The combined ratio was 91.0 per cent, 87.7 per cent excl. non-recurring costs (86.5)
- Result of asset management declined to KSEK 6,722 (8,991)
- Profit after tax increased to KSEK 25,329 (-18,125)
- Basic and diluted earnings per share increased 240 per cent to SEK 1.27 per share (-0.91)
January–December 2021*
- Gross written premiums increased 7 per cent to KSEK 1,013,421 (951,480)
- Premiums earned, net of reinsurance increased 8 per cent to KSEK 981,291 (912,654)
- Technical result declined 2 per cent to KSEK 114,236 (116,920). Technical result excl. non-recurring costs of KSEK 10,400 related to the separate listing process increased 7 per cent
- The combined ratio was 89.3 per cent, 88.2 per cent excl. non-recurring costs (88.2)
- Result of asset management rose to KSEK 41,888 (12,049)
- Profit after tax increased to KSEK 119,980 (43,372)
- The SCR ratio improved to 173 per cent (148)
- Basic and diluted earnings per share increased 177 per cent to SEK 6.0 per share (2.17)
- In accordance with previous communication in the prospectus and the listing process, the Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend be paid to shareholders for the 2021 financial year
Significant events during and after the end of the period
Solid Försäkringsaktiebolag’s (publ) shares were listed on Nasdaq Stockholm on 1 December.
Teleconference in connection with publication of the interim report
In connection with the publication of the interim report, CEO Marcus Tillberg and CFO Sofia Andersson will hold a teleconference on 8 February 2022 at 11:00 a.m. CET. To participate in the conference, call +46851999383 or click on the following link https://tv.streamfabriken.com/solid-q4-2021. Presentation material will be available on Solid’s website: https://corporate.solidab.se/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/.
Interim reports
The complete year-end report for January to December 2021 will be available on https://corporate.solidab.se/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/.
*Some performance measures stated in this section have not been prepared in accordance with IFRS or the Solvency II regulations, which means that they are “alternative perfor-mance measures”. The calculations and reconciliation against information in the financial statements of these performance measures are presented on the website under “Financial statements”. Definitions of performance measures are presented on the company’s website. Changes and comparative figures on this page and elsewhere in this year-end report refer to the same period last year. All amounts are presented in KSEK unless otherwise stated.