The Annual and Sustainability Report 2024 was published at 09:30 CET on March 20, 2025.
Leading in Sweden and Norway
Since the start almost 30 years ago, Solid Försäkring has built up a stable position as a non-life insurance company with a focus on niche insurance in Product, Personal safety and Roadside Assistance with the Nordic region as its main market.
Clear business model
Solid Försäkring targets carefully selected niche insurance segments with stable underlying markets and relatively low claims ratios. We develop our business by increasing volumes, among other things by broadening the product offering and entering into new partnerships, while maintaining low individual risks for each segment.
Growth strategy in the Nordic region
Solid Försäkring’s main growth strategy is to strengthen the Nordic position by entering into collaborations with new strategic partners, developing collaborations with existing partners, offering a clear and coherent partner and consumer offering and realizing the aftermarket potential.
Asset management
We conduct asset management to create capital gains on Solid Försäkring’s investment assets that will cover insurance claims within the insurance products that have been sold.