In accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, the General Meeting of Shareholders is the company’s highest decision-making body in which shareholders exercise their right to vote in key issues, such as changes to the Articles of Association, the election of the Board of Directors and auditors as well as distribution of the company’s profit or loss. The General Meeting of Shareholders must be held within six months from the end of the financial year and in addition to the General Meeting of Shareholders, extraordinary general meetings can be held.

Notice to the General Meeting of Shareholders

In accordance with Solid Försäkring’s Articles of Association, notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders must be announced in the Swedish Official Gazette (Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and by making the notice available on the company’s website. Confirmation that the official notification has been issued must also be announced in Svenska Dagbladet.

Right to participate in the general meeting

To participate and vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders, either in person or through a proxy, is possible for all shareholders who are entered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden on the date that falls six banking days before the General Meeting of Shareholders and have registered their attendance with the company at the latest on the date stated in the notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

In addition to registering with Solid Försäkring, shareholders whose shares are held in the custody of a trustee through a bank or other commercial papers institution must temporarily register their shares in their own name with Euroclear Sweden in order to be entitled to participate in the meeting. Shareholders should inform their trustees of this well in advance of the general meeting.

A shareholder who wishes to have a matter processed at the General Meeting of Shareholders must request this in writing to the company’s Board of Directors. The request should normally be provided to the Board at the latest seven weeks before the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Shareholders wanting to have business taken up at the AGM may submit their proposals to the Chairman of Solid Försäkring’s Board of Directors at the following address: [email protected]

By ordinary mail:
Solid Försäkringsaktiebolag
Att. Sofia Andersson
Box 22068, 250 22 Helsingborg

Annual General Meeting 2025

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