The company’s Board has established three Board committees: the Corporate Governance Committee, the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee.
Corporate Governance Committee
The Corporate Governance Committee’s tasks include evaluating the internal control and policies pertaining to compliance, risk control and internal audit, insofar as these do not influence financial reporting, which is handled by the Audit Committee. Among other matters, the Corporate Governance Committee is to evaluate observations and proposals for improvement measures based on reports submitted by the Compliance function, Risk Control function and Internal Audit function, and review the company’s own risk and solvency assessment. The company has rules of procedure established by the Board that regulate the work of the committees. The Committee advises the Board in issues concerning internal control and corporate governance.
Members: Marita Odélius (Chairman), Lars Nordstrand and Lisen Thulin.
Audit Committee
The primary tasks of the Audit Committee are to ensure the Board carries out monitoring concerning internal control, audits, internal audits and risk management connected to accounting and financial reporting. Additionally, the Audit Committee’s tasks include, following consultation with the Corporate Governance Committee, ensuring that Solid Försäkring complies with the applicable laws and regulations for the company’s auditing, capital requirements and other financial requirements. In addition, the Audit Committee is to prepare issues about the procurement of audits and other services from the auditor and prepare certain accounting and audit matters that are to be handled by the Board. The committee is also to examine and monitor the auditor’s impartiality and independence and, in so far as that the Nomination Committee is not given this task, the committee is to assist in the preparation of proposals to the Annual General Meeting’s motions on the election of auditors. The company has rules of procedure established by the Board that regulate the work of the committees.
Members: Fredrik Carlsson (Chairman), Lars Nordstrand and Lars Benckert.
Remuneration Committee
The primary tasks of the Remuneration Committee are to prepare the Board’s motions on remuneration principles, remuneration and other terms of employment for company management, to follow and evaluate ongoing programmes and programmes completed during the year for variable remuneration for company management, as well as to follow and evaluate the application of any guidelines for remuneration for senior executives established by the General Meeting of Shareholders as well as the applicable remuneration structures and levels. The Remuneration Committee is also to monitor the completed control functions’ audits concerning remuneration and assess if the remuneration system takes into account all of the risks based on the company’s risk profile and, if necessary, submit proposals for an action plan to the Board.
Members: Lars Nordstrand (Chairman), Fredrik Carlsson and Martina Skande.