About Solid Forsäking’s sustainability work

Solid Forsäking’s sustainability work is based on a materiality analysis carried out in spring 2022 that identified the most relevant sustainability aspects for the company and the most material sustainability topics within the areas that the company has an opportunity to affect. The materiality analysis clarifies the company’s prioritised areas in relation to climate impact and the company’s significant sustainability aspects. The materiality analysis has been prepared in col laboration with Position Green and the company primarily uses Position Green’s platform for reporting its sustainability data. Using an established platform such as Position Green ensures systematic management including high-quality data, increased traceability and follow-up over time.

The Sustainability Report also uses the company’s governance documents as a starting point, which relate to a number of sustainability areas, such as the occupational health and safety and ethical issues.

Business-driven sustainability work based on customer value

Solid Försäkring’s responsible insurance provision is based on transparency and clarity concerning the terms and conditions associated with an insurance policy as well as responsible distribution, marketing and claims adjustment. The foundation of our work is that sustainably not only involves doing what is right but is also about increasing value for customers and contributing to the long-term sustainable development of society, in which the operations are characterised in all respects
by corporate, social and environmental responsibility.

Underlying principles

Solid Försäkring’s sustainability activities in the areas of environment, social responsibility and corporate governance is to be integrated throughout the company’s value chain, with a focus on the areas in which the company can make the greatest difference. Sustainability activities are to be conducted by engaging stakeholders, such as owners, customers, employees, suppliers, investors, partners, industry and civil society organisations and authorities.

Solid intends to conduct its operations in accordance with the UN responsible business initiative, the Global Compact, and thereby comply with the ten principles covering human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The Global Compact, together with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Solid’s Code of Conduct and the company’s guidelines and policies, constitute the framework for the company’s sustainability efforts.

Focus on sustainability efforts

The company focuses particularly on four areas – responsible non-life insurance, environment, employees/diversity/equality and social responsibility. The sustainability areas have been selected and identified through the materiality analysis and in dialogue with Solid Försäkring’s stakeholders.

  • Responsible non-life insurance
  • Environment
  • Employees/Diversity/Equal opportunities
  • Social responsibility

By focusing on these selected sustainability areas, Solid Försäkring has the objective of contributing to maximising the positive values that the operations generate for customers, partners, employees, owners, the industry and society at large. The company’s responsibilities also include minimising the operation’s risks through proactive sustainability efforts, robust processes, regulatory compliance and high business ethics.

Respect for human rights is fundamental

Solid Försäkring is active in a market subject to regulatory requirements, which, in a number of ways, regulate and ensure compliance with human rights. The company’s business is concentrated in the Nordic countries, within which there is clear national legislation that is based, inter alia, on European
and international conventions. Accordingly, the company’s exposure to risks linked to human rights is adjudged to be low. Accordingly, Solid Försäkring’s opportunities to take responsibility and engage have been assessed to mainly entail the responsible provision of insurance and defending customer privacy, together with social involvement based on the needs that exist in society.

In 2022, Solid Försäkring was admitted as a participant of the Global Compact. Global Compact’s ten principles include human rights and labour. The Code of Conduct clarifies the company’s position on matters such as anti-discrimination, labour, forced labour, child labour, political involvement, freedom of association and collective bargaining.