March 7, 2025 08:00 Regulatory

The Nomination Committee’s proposal for the the Board of Directors ahead of the 2025 Annual General Meeting

The Nomination Committee for Solid Försäkringsaktiebolag ("Solid Försäkring") presents the following proposal for a decision at the annual general meeting on April 24, 2025.

The Nomination Committee proposes six board members of the Board of Directors and no deputies.

The Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of Lars Nordstrand, Fredrik Carlsson, Lisen Thulin, Martina Skande and Lars Benckert. Marita Odélius has declined re-election.

The Nomination Committee proposes the new election of Henrik Eklund, born in 1974 and a Swedish citizen. Henrik has been CEO of Ikano Bank AB for almost six years until October 2024 and has previously held a number of different management roles (CIO, COO, CEO) in, among others, Ikano Bank AB, Resurs Bank AB and CDON AB. Henrik is a board member of Erikshjälpen and an advisor in transformation, strategy and leadership. Henrik has a law degree and a master's degree in economics from Lund University.

The nomination committee proposes re-election of Lars Nordstrand as chairman of the board.

The nomination committee consists of Martin Bengtsson (Waldakt AB, the Bengtsson family), Wilhelm Börjesson (Investment AB Spiltan), Joakim Skoglund (AB Traction), Oscar Börjesson (Livförsäkringsbolaget Skandia, ömsesidigt) and Lars Nordstrand as chairman of Solid Försäkring's Board of Directors.

Information about persons proposed as members of the Board of Directors of Solid Försäkring and the Nomination Committee's motivated statement will be published on the company's website,