Solids Försäkringsaktiebolag’s (”Solid Försäkring”) Nomination Committee is to comprise the Chairman of the Board and members appointed by the four shareholders with the greatest number of votes on the final banking day in August every year. The Chairman of the Board is to convene the first meeting of the Nomination Committee. The member appointed by the largest shareholder in terms of the number of votes is to be appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
The main purpose and responsibilities of the Nomination Committee are to present proposals for the Chairman of the AGM, Board members, Board Chairman, auditors, Board fees specified by fees to the Chairman and fees to other Board members, remuneration for committee work and fees to the company’s auditor. Furthermore, the Nomination Committee shall, if deemed necessary, present proposals on amendments to the instructions for the Nomination Committee.
The process of asking shareholders if they wish to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee has now been completed. Ahead of the 2023 AGM, the Nomination Committee comprises: Martin Bengtsson appointed by Waldakt AB (the Bengtsson family) (28.9% per cent of the votes), Wilhelm Börjesson appointed by Investment AB Spiltan (7.9% per cent of the votes), Joakim Skoglund appointed by Traction (2.0% per cent of the votes), Oskar Börjesson appointed by Livförsäkringsbolaget Skandia (1.8% per cent of the votes) and Lars Nordstrand in his role as chairman of Solid Försäkring’s Board. Since Waldakt AB is the largest shareholder of Solid Försäkring, Martin Bengtsson is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee in accordance with the applicable instructions for the Nomination Committee.
Solid Försäkring’s 2023 AGM will take place on 26 April 2023. In order for the Nomination Committee to have the opportunity to consider any proposals received with due care, such proposals must be submitted not later than 27 February 2023. The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be presented in the notice of the 2023 AGM and on the Company’s website. Shareholders of Solid Försäkring are encouraged to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to Solid Försäkring AB (publ), Attn: Nomination Committee, Landskronavägen 23, SE-252 32 Helsingborg, Sweden.